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Bringing biotech into schools

Hello, my name is Andreas,

I am a researcher in biotechnology from Austria (Europe) and I am visiting Gabriel and Sci-House for a few weeks. I love how easy modern biotechnology has become and think it should be accessible to everyone, so that power is not concentrated to big companies only. We should all benefit from the newest technologies that make our lives better. When Gabriel asked me to join him visiting a school and giving a workshop, my answer was immediately yes.

The classroom was filled with lots of kids age 14-17, who come from a difficult background. We brought Foldscopes, paper microscopes that have up to 400-fold magnification and can be assembled very fast, and they are very cheap as well. The kids were very receptive and successfully built the microscopes. Afterwards, we went outside to collect samples such as lichens, grass, mushrooms, etc. The microscopes worked great, and the kids loved it.

Afterwards, we had an AMA session. We talked about biology, 3D printing, organ printing, mesh nets to provide internet to the poor and much more.  One child even told us that this was the best science experiment he had done in his life so far. Knowing that there is much room above, we plan to come back, maybe with a 3D printer. Showing this kids technology seems very crucial, as it may enable them to create a better world in their surroundings.

It’s only a drop of water on a hot rock, but it sure feels great to show people a world in which everything is possible and the sky (may) be the limit.